I managed to get the 3.6 up to 3917MHz with no difference whatsoever to sound levels by simply increasing the FSB, this was an important consideration to me as having a screaming PC next to you while you play your favourite shoot-em-up isn't exactly fun. For you power freaks, once the internal fans were upped to 100% I was able to break the 4GHz barrier but not without the SB81P wailing like a banshee.

200 extra in 3DMark03 shows how GPU dependent the benchmark actually is, nevertheless, a reasonable increase it is.

5 more FPS might seem insignificant when you are running at nearly 65, but if you were using a lower end graphics card or a much higher resolution the difference would be much more important.

A consistent increase in performance across the board for these CPU dependent tests.
What do I think of the system as a whole? Read on...
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